Tuesday 15 May 2012


hye u alll....
lame kan myra da x on blog nim sbb myra wat pom justt suke suki je..
da berhabukk da kan....^^
jom smbg cte myra nk....
nk djadikan citerr taw x mamat tu satu skola ngan myra.!!~
OMA right...
koran mesty nk taw kan camne myra ley taw.....
the story begin like this....
time recess as usual myra klr  r rehatt ngan kengkawan kan...
so time tu myra lalu la kelas nim...
ya Allah....
taw x....
 mata kami bertatap lalu menusuk d dada uturn ke kepala....
hahahha ^^
(pemusnah ayatt novel nim)
ape ag!!~..
myra dupdapdupdap....
pushhhhh!!~~(larikan diri)
aiiii....malu kan.....
n from the day!!!~
kami 'acap' bertemu...
nk wat camne kan stu skola katakan....

Saturday 10 March 2012

my embarrssing moment!!~

hye u alll....
gud monink =) hehehehee.......
okey ai nim myra nk share kisahh myra ngan korang nak xx????
okey this event begin bila myra nk p skola....
mase tu..
kalau x slp myra time first day school mase form 1!!~
as usual father myra la yang hantar....
disbbkan bgn lewattt...!~(excited sggt nk g skola )
father myra anta myra gune jln kmpg....
so amazing...
chantikk taw suasana knmpg waktu pg....
then tibe2 myra terpndg someone...
wow...(semx derr...!!~)
disebbkan akal terlalu pendekk myra g senyum kat dye...
bodoohh kan....!!~~
eiii maluu gilerr la....
da la...mamat tuh tgkk lak...
myra hope u all fhm situasi myra ekk...
             #sambung dr semasa ke semase#

Friday 9 March 2012

tutorial-disable right click!~

okey this time myra nk ajar care wat disable click..hurm ala2 cam kalau ad org nk copycat ayat yg korg wat  tentu x leh...believe me okehh....

        cam biase korang pegi kat:: dashboard>design>add page element>html/javascript

korang copy kod nim ek...pastu ayat 'masukan mesej anda disini' korang gune ayat sndiri, than save jerw....

<script language=JavaScript>

//edit by unwanted

var message="Masukkan Mesej Anda Disini";

function clickIE4(){
if (event.button==2){
return false;

function clickNS4(e){
if (document.layers||document.getElementById&&!document.all){
if (e.which==2||e.which==3){
return false;

if (document.layers){
else if (document.all&&!document.getElementById){

document.oncontextmenu=new Function("alert(message);return false")

// -->

                     #da ciap!!~ gudluck!#

JoM mAsUk DaPuR JaP :P

hurmmm.......rinduw kan nk mkn oreo mcflurry ( ala2 jer...huhuhuhu)
so,...jom ikut myra msk dpr jap...don't worry k...di jamin xkan kotor punye kitew punye bdn...(sorry kalau tease lak myra gurau je k...)
okey let's check it up.....!!~

Okey blogger sume....before kite nk make oreo mc flurry nim kitew sedia bhn2 lu k....

*ais kiub..

*oreo..(wajib k..)

*susu pekattt....


*air masak..

okey when u all da prepare brg2 nim jom ikut myra buattt!!~

    u all letak ais kiub tu sehingga ala-ala 1/4 blender (kira2 dua cawan je kut...!~)
pastu, u all tuang ckitt air..remember!!~ jgn byk sgtt nnt jd cair sgt ice-blander tu k....

      u ltk dlm 4 atau 5 (up to u) keping oreo, make sure u all da patah2 n masukan dlm blander tu....
#lbh byk lbh manis#

      u all tuang 2 sudu besar susu pekat n 2 sudu besar Milo dlm blender...kemudian Blend lah sampai halus
dan make sure...ais tak berketul.

                      #okeyy...da siapp so selamat menjamu#
                                            (senang x =D)

Friday 2 December 2011

situasi facebuku skrg...=(

hai...blogger n visit0r sume....=)
gud morning....hahahaha...(morning la sgt...hehehehe)
btw ai nim myra nk tanye pendapat korang btl x fb skrg nim
ye la...
taw x...myra hnye buke fb sekali je shri taw....(btl kerr....)
buke p0n hnye untk conform friend request je....
n bls la comment ckit2(kalau rajin je....)
tahh....xtaw nk wat pe dlm fb tu....
tp plg bestt... dlm fb taw x buat ape...???
ha...btl maen game la srnk...
btl ape...kan..kan...kan...
+han pulak skrg ade hacker btl x....
bhye tol kan hacker nim..
hiiishhh.......da la blh wat kite jd malu.....
so...kite ptt ambil langkah berjge2 la okeyyy....
nk taw mane dye tu hacker????....
camne ekk.........

Wednesday 30 November 2011

muqaddimahh myra...!!~ hehehehehe...

bloggers semua....ni la blog myra taw....
myra gune name samaran misz butterfly sbrnye sbb saje2 je...
hahahaahaaha(ketawa sopan tu..)
um 4ur information all....
myra ade bykkk.....lwm web sawangan...
ex:fb,tagged,twitter,myspace,friendster and..... blog!!~~....
mane blh lupe kan btl x....
btw...myra baw maen2 je blog nim....
xtaw main pon....
kasian x ...=( sob..sob..sob....
bloger sume follow2 la ek blog myra yg x sebeberapa nim.....(muke sdh hehehe....)
4 ur information all....
myra nim...baw umur 15 untk 2011 nim...
so taun nim la myra pmr....
gementar siott.....!~...
hurm.... nk wat camne..
myra bkn pndi sgt taw.......
biase2 jerw...
k... la stakat ni je la myra da nk post nim... ok...
my last question???
suke x blog myra nim....
perasan kan......=P